Honing In on How TV Shows Build Brands

There has been a recent outpouring from advertisers and networks expressing their dissatisfaction with the current age-sex metrics. Alternate measures are being sought to assist in the evaluation of TV-program performance as it relates to sponsors and their brands.

With single-source matching of viewing data and purchasing data, TiVo Research & Analytics has developed a means to target viewers based on their shopping behavior, matching the DVR provider’s 2.3 million set-top boxes to purchasing data from 40 million households across the U.S., compiled by market-research firm 84.51°. The combination of this data allows advertisers to target the actual consumers who purchase their products.

The accompanying infographic illustrates various consumer packaged goods (CPG) categories, pharmaceutical brands and automotive brands that are more likely to be purchased by viewers of each network or new TV series identfied.

Compiled and Written by Alex Petrilli, TiVo Research and Analytics