Telemundo Looks to Bolster Latino Count on National Voter Registration Day

Telemundo Media is stepping up its efforts to encourage Latinos to sign up on National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday.

Working in conjunction with its partners Voto Latino and the League of United Latin American Citizens, Telemundo Media will air new PSAs, feature special segments in its network news coverage, deploy a grass-roots outreach effort and leverage its online resources, including a voter registration widget, available at These endeavors are part of the Spanish-language media company’s ongoing voter registration initiative, Vota port u Futuro (Vote for your Future).

Although more than a record 6.6 million Latinos voted in the 2010 election, a record for a midterm, Latinos electorate participation remains below their representation in the general population. All told, approximately 21.7 million Hispanics are eligible to vote this year. 

Telemundo's efforts for National Voter Registration Day are slated for a company-wide push, including the broadcast of new “Vota por tu Futuro” PSAs and special coverage leading up to and throughout Sept. 25 on network properties, including the morning show Un Nuevo Dia, the news magazine Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste and the nightly newscast Noticiero Telemundo con José Díaz-Balart.

Moreover, local Telemundo stations will air special news coverage and join forces with Voto Latino and LULAC at local community voter registration drives in key Hispanic markets --Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Dallas, Denver and Phoenix/Tucson. Among them. Telemundo also will provide an on-site voter registration opportunity for  employees at its Miami headquarters.

In the digital space, “Vota por tu Futuro” information will be prominently featured on Telemundo’s home page ( and through a social media push on Twitter and Facebook. Earlier this month, Telemundo Media announced the launch of its bilingual “Vota por tu Futuro” voter empowerment digital tool kit, available at

“Civic engagement is critically important and Telemundo Media, along with our partners, is committed to motivating the Hispanic community to register and get out to vote,” said Emilio Romano, president, Telemundo Media, in a statement. “Given the significant number of U.S. Hispanics that are eligible to vote and the high percentage of Latinos in key swing states, it is imperative that they understand that by voting they can have a direct impact on issues that affect their daily lives, such as the education of their children, jobs and health care.”