Concurrent Supplies On-Demand to Cox Cleveland

Cox Communications is plugging Concurrent Computer’s MediaHawk 4000 On Demand system into its Cleveland division to help keep pace with rising customer viewing demands.

The MediaHawk 4000 serves about 73,000 customers in the Cleveland market, providing a Linux-based centralized library server combined with edge servers to efficiently pump out video-on-demand.

Concurrent is also updating its MediaHawk 3000 gear and software for the MediaHawk 4000 system in Cox’s Hampton Roads, Va., and Las Vegas markets, which serve about 400,000 customers.

"As these systems continue to grow their digital offerings, we aim to grow with them through constant improvement of our software and unparalleled technical responsiveness, ensuring that Cox subscribers enjoy a quality VOD experience with every use,” Concurrent CEO Gary Trimm said.

Using off-the shelf servers and hardware, the MediaHawk 4000 system can take in, store and stream video for delivery via hybrid-fiber-coaxial or Internet-protocol-based networks. So far, Concurrent has deployed its systems in more than 24 countries.