SAG Will Release 'Casting Data Report' In October

Screen Actors Guild has declared October "Diversity Awareness Month" and plans to release various hiring reports.
In October, SAG will issue various diversity-based reports and videos via, including the highly anticipated "Casting Data Report." This analysis of hiring statistics based on ethnicity/race, age and gender is an instrumental tool used by the entertainment industry.

While SAG works year round to advance issues of employment diversity, the group said it wants to shine a spotlight next month on the efforts of its Affirmative Action & Diversity Department, as well as the union's various diversity committees comprised of SAG members.
"Screen Actors Guild historically and consistently has strived for fairness and diversity both within our Guild and the industry at large," said interim national executive director David White in a statement. "We are continuously working to make a difference toward a more representational, multicultural community. I encourage all of our friends in the creative community to work toward a more diverse and accurate media landscape and invite them to participate in our diversity events in October and throughout the year."